Saturday, July 30, 2005

BlogShares.Com : Fantasy Stock Market

BlogShares.Com is a game that is termed "the addicting and fast-growing web-based experience". Yep, it is actually a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies.

"Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog. No actual ownership of blogs is transfered. BlogShares is purely a fictional marketplace."
- BlogShares.Com Help

It is a very interesting online game that lets you trade (buy & sell) the fictitious shares of blogs on the internet. If you play the game well, you could actually build up your cash capital, own shares in many "companies" (blogs), increase your total "worth", etc.

At the same time, you will be exposed to and get acquainted with blogs from all over the world. You even have the opportunity to build rapports and communities with fellow BlogShares players and bloggers.

But of course the most exciting thing is to see the value of your own blog increasing or decreasing according to the market forces and demands and especially the number of incoming and outgoing links.

On top of all that, you could also vote for the relevant categories that blogs are categorized under and earn extra merits in the form of "chips" and "karmas" that could be further utilised for more exciting tradings. After you have played shares for some time and have accumulated a sizeable capital, you can progress to trading in "ideas", "bonds", "artefacts", etc.

There is also a BlogShares.Com forum for players to interact. Go ahead, register and have fun :)

cheers. :)

ps. caution: read the ALL the rule before you start playing!!!

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